Here is another version of the gift box printable I shared a couple weeks ago. The last printable featured an aster embellishment and a kaleidoscope inspired design.
Today's printable features a sweet wild rose, gift tags, and a simple floral pattern for you to color.
This box goes together exactly like the last one. You will want to print the template on good quality card stock, color it, and cut out the pieces.
The wild rose embellishment includes two flower layers, one fringed center, and one sepal, and two leaves.
I used a large and small stylus on a firm foam mat to shape the flowers, but you can shape them with your fingers, or roll the petal on a pencil or bamboo skewer to get some dimension. I stacked the smaller layer on top of the larger layer and secured with glue. the sepal was glued to the bottom. After cutting the fringe, I scrunched it and rolled it up and glued it to the center of the flower. You can keep your flowers simpler, if you like, by skipping the center, or only using one layer.
Instead of cutting the two larger mat pieces apart, I decided to leave them together. I scored and folded them together "sandwich board" style. I added the smaller mat and the sentiment to the front and glued this to the back of the tag. The note card opens up for the giver to add a message to the recipient. These printables have been created to give you lots of design options.
The rose embellishment was glued to the tag front and tied to the ribbon that ties the box closed.
For more detailed instructions, see the previous gift box tutorial.
These boxes make lovely favor boxes, or advent gift boxes!
You might also like this post on how to make a pillow gift box.

If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to House Revivals in the sidebar, so you won't miss the fun projects we have planned. Find us on Facebook, too, so you can catch all the "in between" stuff, and see what I'm working on throughout week on Instagram. Feel free to link today's project to your favorite social media sites.
For another FREE template, click here.
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Today's printable features a sweet wild rose, gift tags, and a simple floral pattern for you to color.
This box goes together exactly like the last one. You will want to print the template on good quality card stock, color it, and cut out the pieces.
The wild rose embellishment includes two flower layers, one fringed center, and one sepal, and two leaves.
I used a large and small stylus on a firm foam mat to shape the flowers, but you can shape them with your fingers, or roll the petal on a pencil or bamboo skewer to get some dimension. I stacked the smaller layer on top of the larger layer and secured with glue. the sepal was glued to the bottom. After cutting the fringe, I scrunched it and rolled it up and glued it to the center of the flower. You can keep your flowers simpler, if you like, by skipping the center, or only using one layer.
Instead of cutting the two larger mat pieces apart, I decided to leave them together. I scored and folded them together "sandwich board" style. I added the smaller mat and the sentiment to the front and glued this to the back of the tag. The note card opens up for the giver to add a message to the recipient. These printables have been created to give you lots of design options.
The rose embellishment was glued to the tag front and tied to the ribbon that ties the box closed.
For more detailed instructions, see the previous gift box tutorial.
These boxes make lovely favor boxes, or advent gift boxes!
You might also like this post on how to make a pillow gift box.

If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to House Revivals in the sidebar, so you won't miss the fun projects we have planned. Find us on Facebook, too, so you can catch all the "in between" stuff, and see what I'm working on throughout week on Instagram. Feel free to link today's project to your favorite social media sites.
For another FREE template, click here.
Thanks so much for stopping by!