The holidays are upon us, and if you are like me, you are looking around your house and starting to freak out just a little bit.
If your household decorating needs are bigger than your budget, here a a few items I've found recently for FREE on Craigslist, along with some inspiration to help you see how an ugly duckling can be transform into a beautiful swan.
Can you believe someone is giving away this antique sewing machine? With a little TLC, this could become a focal point in your home. I'm loving this gorgeous picture, shown below, and am looking for it's source -- if anyone recognizes it, let me know in the comments, so I can properly credit it.
Beige sofas will always be classic, just like this sofa, from Restoration Hardware.
I love these chalk paint labels! If you don't have chalk paint, you can almost always find chalk board label stickers at the Dollar Tree. Your kitchen will be ready for all that holiday baking, and you won't have anymore of those messy bags of flour or sugar to worry about.
Or you could grab this leather chair, from Hooker, for over a thousand dollars.
I hope you were inspired to check out the free listings on Craigslist or in your local classified ads.
If your household decorating needs are bigger than your budget, here a a few items I've found recently for FREE on Craigslist, along with some inspiration to help you see how an ugly duckling can be transform into a beautiful swan.
Can you believe someone is giving away this antique sewing machine? With a little TLC, this could become a focal point in your home. I'm loving this gorgeous picture, shown below, and am looking for it's source -- if anyone recognizes it, let me know in the comments, so I can properly credit it.
This vintage trestle style end table is perfect for small spaces.
I've mentioned before that I'm not usually crazy about free sofas, but if it's clean and the frame and fabric are in good condition, go for it.
Beige sofas will always be classic, just like this sofa, from Restoration Hardware.
You might be surprised how expensive yarn can be, so an entire box of free yarn is, well, a steal!
Remember the seventies? This armoire has seen better days, but with a little updating, it's best days are still ahead.
More seventies furniture? No problem.
These are one gallon mason jars! I use this size jar in my pantry.
I love these chalk paint labels! If you don't have chalk paint, you can almost always find chalk board label stickers at the Dollar Tree. Your kitchen will be ready for all that holiday baking, and you won't have anymore of those messy bags of flour or sugar to worry about.
This Ikea chair is small enough to tuck into a corner of your guest room, for holiday travelers. It doesn't really need a makeover, just a quick cleaning.
Bombay chests are always a classic, and this free chest looks great just as it is...
Who doesn't love a leather wing chair? This free leather chair has a lot of fading, but the leather seems to be in good shape. Assuming the chair frame is in good condition, it could be worth the effort to recondition the leather.
Or you could grab this leather chair, from Hooker, for over a thousand dollars.
I hope you were inspired to check out the free listings on Craigslist or in your local classified ads.
You might also enjoy this post about dyeing old leather furniture.

Here's a great post full of ideas for decorating with a brown sofa.

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