Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unpacking Priceless Artwork

I've been holding out on you guys.  I'll bet you didn't know I had a collection of priceless artwork?  I do!  It's been in storage for over a year and a half.

Little by little, we have been bringing things out of storage, as we begin to settle into the beach house. (And, no, the beach house reno is not completely finished, but the major construction part is done, and we have officially begun moving in).

Imagine our delight when we came across this large portfolio in one of our storage lockers!

Our art collection consists primarily of pieces from three of our favorite artists, two male, and one female.

Each artist is comfortable working in a variety of mediums, from pastels to oils.

We began following the work of these artists more than two decades ago!  It's crazy how the time flies.  We've managed to amass a rather large collection of their work, representative of many different periods in their careers, including this example from the "dark period" of one of the creatives.

That particular artist made a new discovery a short time after the above canvas was completed -- a discovery that brightened his outlook...

He discovered beautiful women, and his outlook on life was forever changed....

His work -- and his world -- was filled with a new kind of promise...

... and, so he began to mature... and he joined the Navy and started doing grown up things, and he put the dark years behind him.

Another of the artists we favor had a remarkable talent for faces, even in her earliest years...

She still does....

One of the three decided not to pursue the visual arts after a time, moving instead into the sciences, so his pieces are particularly rare and treasured.

I know you all want one of his pieces, but I have to tell you, I wouldn't part with this artist's work for any amount of money.

So, there you have it.  Our secret is out.  My husband and I collect priceless art pieces.  We are fairly discerning in the artists we follow, preferring to follow just a few artists throughout their entire careers.

Do you have a favorite artist whose work you collect?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Wild Pants Lamp Gets a Make-Over

Remember the Wild Pants Lamp I shared about here?
Well, the Wild Pants Lamp got another make-over.  Remember Dexter, my one year old side-kick?

Well,  the lamp and the pup had a little collision....

His Mommy tried to fix it with duct tape...

Maybe Gorilla Glue would work better....