Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Star Ornament Designs!

We have some new woven star ornaments.  I almost decided to call them snowflakes, because they are so lacy and pretty, but alas, they have eight points!

I already posted about this ornament last week (watch for the tutorial in the next couple of days).

This second ornament is very similar to the first, only it's a little more "filled in", and the points are more pronounced.

You might recall that this paper comes from a vintage gardening book found at our local Goodwill.

These stars will be a perfect Christmas gift for my sweet mother-in law, who is an incredible gardener.

The woven design of these stars is a traditional pattern, typically done from reed.  My twist on the pattern is the use of folded book pages, and vintage glitter.

The third ornament is an adaptation of the star from last week.

I think it just might be the prettiest one so far...

What do you think?

Don't forget to watch for the tutorial for this star in the next couple of days!

If you are not already a follower, be sure to click "follow" in my side bar, so you don't miss the tutorial.
For a tutorial on making this five-pointed dimensional star, click here.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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