Monday, December 8, 2014

How to Make a Grip Friendly Craft Knife Handle

Here is a super simple solution (say that three times, fast) for those skinny craft knife handles that leave your hands feeling tired and achy.

This is my "go to" craft knife for most of my projects.
These handy dandy little knives can hang out in a mug on a desk, with scissors and pencils and a few other essential tools, but the same skinny handle that makes them easy to store in a mug on  the desk, makes them hard to use.

For big projects, I usually pull out this little boxed utility knife set that my husband bought me several years ago. It's awesome, but I don't have space to keep it handy. It lives in a chest of drawers in our little spare room.

The other evening, I was trying to use the skinny utility knife when I had one of those light bulb moments!  The great thing about being a messy worker is we get these "you got peanut butter in my chocolate" and "you got chocolate in my peanut butter" moments (that's from an old Reese's commercial, for you younger readers). When you work messy, you notice connections between items you might not otherwise have an opportunity to see.

And so, a new handle grip was added to my craft knife!

Several wraps of Duck Tape was all the knife needed to be comfortable to use. Two widths of Duck tape exactly fit the length of the knife handle.

You are welcome!

I believe this is the quickest craft tutorial I have ever shared, but when I made the discovery, I knew you, my readers, would want to know this!

If you enjoyed this tutorial, be sure to hit subscribe, in the upper right column of this page.  Feel free to use the icons at the bottom of this post to share on social media.

Want another quick tutorial using Duck Tape? Check out this post to learn how to make your own paper bead roller!