Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fishing Basket Table

Some of you were curious about the basket table in the picture with our beautiful horseshoe backed chair that I posted about earlier.

(This post is participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge, T is For Table. See link in sidebar. )

This table was adapted from traditional Southeast Asia fishing baskets.  My in-laws picked it up during an overseas tour during the Vietnam War.
We actually have three of these basket tables -- two smaller one we keep in our very small city apartment, and a larger one we keep at our beach house.

In recent years, fishing baskets have been re-discovered.  The folks at Young House Love converted one to a light fixture.

Sherri shares a tutorial on how she converted her basket (a $10 thrift store find!) to a hanging light fixture.

The image above shows participants fishing in an Indian festival using a woven rattan fishing baskets, or traps.

Here, two children play with a fishing basket at a Vietnam festival. I love that the traditional form is being preserved and taught to new generations, and I love that pieces are being re-purposed, as well!

Do you have an unusual furniture or lighting piece in your home?  Does it have a story behind it?