Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Awesome Projects to Make With Recycled Newspapers

Continuing the Earth Day theme, here at House Revivals, I thought it would fun to share some ways to use recycled newspapers in our homes and our gardens.

Even if you subscribe to all your papers electronically, you probably have friends and neighbors who would be more than willing to donate their old papers to your recycling projects.

(This post is participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge. N is for Newspaper. See the link in my sidebar.)

  • My friend Kudzu shares this gorgeous seed tape roll tutorial -- wouldn't these be great in Easter baskets or as Mother's Day gifts, or as teacher gifts?

  • Use up  several months worth of old papers when mulching your garden (just the black and white pages, unless you are sure the color ink your paper uses is safe).  Simply spread out the papers, sprinkle with water until they are completely wet, and cover with straw, of bark, or whatever is available to you. Our old community gave free mulch at their tree limb disbursement site.

  • Maybe you're more into fashion than gardening?  Try making jewelry from the morning paper!

Check out the designs of Holly Anne Mitchell for even more inspiration!  She uses everything from comic strips to old lottery tickets to create her art.  Holly even uses up her expired coupons to create jewelry!

Do you subscribe to your paper in hard copy or electronic copy?  Do you have reams of old papers just waiting to be recycled into garden mulch, jewelry, or a decor item?