Sunday, September 4, 2011

Beach House Remodel, How Far We've Come

Do you ever just feel totally overwhelmed by all the millions of little details you need to take care of?  That's how I've been feeling, lately.  Here is an idea of what we've been doing in just the last couple of days.

Staining uprights and railings.  In the picture below, you can see some of the old orange color of the handrail, contrasted with the part I had already stained.

Staining about thirteen million of these little guys...

to cover the screw holes for these guys... which I also stained.

I've also been staining thresholds....

... and the occasional door.

Of course, you know about the mirrors....

I've also been polishing the new Paperstone countertops...

and polishing the flagstone floors.

And, speaking of floors, the loft floors are being painted... temporarily.  So far, they're only primed....

The kitchen doors are also primed...

... and the entry doors have a first coat of paint.

The fireplace got some paint -- just a bit of dry brushing, to make it look limey,..

... but first it needed the soot stains scrubbed with a stiff brush.

There are lots of other "little things," but they will need to go into another post.  Because I have a date with a floor polisher this morning, and a paint roller this afternoon.   When I start to feel a little down about all the things left to do, I remember the state of the house last Christmas.

And remind myself how far we've come!  Nine feet, to be exact.  That's how far we raised the house last winter.

I was wondering through the house this week, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering what in the world possessed me to take this project on...

... then looked out the window.... and felt very blessed, indeed.

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